The Scepter of Rajiim

Matt Trakker
Scott Trakker
Bruce Sato
Alex Sector
Brad Turner

Miles Mayhem
Cliff Dagger
Sly Rax
Vanessa Warfield

VENOM steals a mystical scepter from an Indian city whose inhabitants hold the MASK team hostage until its return. Matt Trakker must work alone to get it back.

Scott Trakker:
"40-love (0), T-bob." (Scott and T-bob are playing tennis)

"How can you love anything that is so tiring?"
Scott Trakker:

"Come on, T-bob! Lets get you a cool drink in the toolshed. (Scott finds a bottle) Here you are, T-bob."
Matt Trakker:

"Wait, Scott! That`s not marked, you don`t know what`s in it." (T-bob pukes)
Scott Trakker:

"Poison and household cleaners can kill someone."
Matt Trakker:

"That`s right, son. Always keep poisons and household cleaners labeled."

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