Patchwork Puzzle

Matt Trakker
Scott Trakker
Hondo MacLean
Bruce Sato
Jacques LeFleur

Miles Mayhem
Floyd Malloy
Sly Rax
Nash Gorey

VENOM steals a Civil War-era quilt that contains a secret message to finding buried treasure at the Washington Monument in Washington D.C.

Scott Trakker:
"In a little while its going to be my new model boat, I just have to carve it with my scout pen knife."
Matt Trakker:

"You'll be sure to use it the way I taught you. Always keep your legs and other parts of your body away from the blade. And always stroke the knife in a direction away from your body, never pull a knife toward you."
Scott Trakker:

"Right, dad, because it might slip and you could cut yourself."
Matt Trakker:

"Safety is everbody's buisness."

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