Ruthless leader of the Evil Horde
Ruthless leader with wicked whirling weapons
Ruthless leader with blaster blade

Real name: Hec-Tor Kur
Second born heir to the Horde Empire, Hec-Tor Kur arrived on the planet Eternia while battling the cosmic warrior He-Ro. Taking the name Hordak, he raised an army and challenged the Snakemen for rule over the planet. And although he defeated King Hssss, Grayskull, leader of the free people of Eternia succeeded in banishing him to the dimension of Despondos. It was there that centuries later Hordak contacted a young alchemist named Keldor and began teaching him the ways of the dark arts in exchange for freedom from his extra-dimensional prison.

After being released from exile in Despondos by Evil-Lyn, Hordak returned to Eternia with his ageless army to once again claim its hidden magical properties for his own. Finding his former pupil Skeletor on the throne following the apparent "death" of King Randor, Hordak upgraded his armor with a Hurricane Blaster which he used to challenge the Lord of Destruction and drive the Snakemen back into hibernation. After ripping through the walls of Snake Mountain, Hurricane Hordak casts off his battle shield and advances on Skeletor whirling his thunderball mace!

After King Miro and Randor returned from exile in Despondos, the Three Towers returned to the surface signaling the time when the Second Ultimate Battleground would commence. To prepare for this battle, Hordak invaded Central Tower in an attempt to steal the secret of Time Travel. But without the Cosmic Key to channel the Tower's energy, Hordak's body was mutated, creating a Buzz Saw Blaster which could lash out at any enemy from his chest. During their final battle, Skeletor magically drained Hordak's essence revealing the secrets and might of the Horde empire. But in Hordak's last breath, while he appeared surrounded and defenseless, Hordak's buzz saw blasts were unleashed, striking out at Skeletor in a final cataclysmic blow! If not for a nearby Bionotops, Skeletor would have indeed perished and Hordak's revenge complete.

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