A mysterious ancient warlord, Hordak, is the younger brother of Horde Prime, the evil tyrant who rules an intergalactic empire from Horde World, a planet far
away from the beauty and magic of Eternia.
Hordak first arrived on Eternia while chasing the cosmic warrior, He-Ro, across the universe. Recognizing the powerful magic on this distant planet, Hordak formed
a group of warriors to conquer Eternia in the name of the Horde Empire.
Instead, Hordak became caught up in the ongoing struggle between King Grayskull and the Snakemen, the original inhabitants of Eternia. After defeating King
Hssss and his Snakemen, Hordak was banished by Grayskull to the Dimension of Despondos. From this horrid dimension, he was able to contact the alchemist, Keldor.
In exchange for saving Keldor`s life, Hordak made the newly created Skeletor swear to free him from his other dimensional prison. A promise Skeletor has yet to keep...
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