Evil spark shooting reptile

Real name: C'Ngrel Chouluth
A Klybian Lizard Man from planet Draphos, Saurod the Terrible broke out of Prison Starr and rode a meteor shower across the solar system to Eternia. As one of three reptilian races whose DNA was spliced to create the Snakemen, Saurod is a natural enemy of King Hssss and eagerly joined with his enemies. He was recruited by Skeletor in an attempt to boost his forces against his former master Hordak. Saurod fought for Skeletor during the Second Ultimate Battleground, slaying many snake warriors including Sssqueeze and Snake Face in hand-to-hand combat. Using his laser, Saurod has also tried to steal the Cosmic Key from Gwildor to go back in time and prevent the dilution of his species.

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