Real name: R'tendril the Wise
The great sage and wizard of Preternia, Eldor arrived at a burning crater and discovered a Cosmic Warrior suffering from a strange techno virus with no memory of where he came from. Healing him in a mystic pool, Eldor inadvertently and
unknowingly passed the warrior’s techno infection to the entire magical planet. In gratitude for saving his life, the Warrior agreed to become Eldor’s student and help free Eternia from the Snake Men. Until his memory was restored, Eldor
dubbed him “Gray” in honor of Eternia’s brave king, and taught his apprentice to use a magic staff and the Book of Living Spells to defeat evil. Later Eldor used the secrets of Transformation to cast the Three Towers into Sub-turnia, awaiting
a time of great Kings; when the past and future would need to intertwine. Eldor uses his magic as a member of King Grayskull’s Masters of the Universe!
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